Which diffuses faster, the bad smell from a cat-pan due to ammonia or an expensive French perfume with an average molecular weight of 170 g/mol? How much fast does the fast one diffuse?

the answer is that ammonia has a less molar mass than that of perfume and therefore for that reason ammonia diffuses faster......and at the rate of 10 times faster than perfume.....

Ammonia has a molar mass of 17. It diffuses faster than perfume with a molar mass of 170.

(rate1/rate2) = sqrt (Mol mass 2/mol mass 2) or about sqrt(170/17) = about 3 times faster. You can work it out more accurately.

I need a help

To determine which substance diffuses faster, we need to understand the factors affecting diffusion rate: molecular weight, temperature, concentration gradient, and the medium through which diffusion occurs.

In general, smaller molecules diffuse faster than larger ones. So, we can compare the molecular weights of ammonia (NH3) and the French perfume to get an initial idea. The molecular weight of ammonia is approximately 17 g/mol (N = 14 g/mol, H = 1 g/mol), while the perfume has an average molecular weight of 170 g/mol.

Having determined the molecular weights, we see that ammonia has a significantly smaller molecular weight compared to the perfume. Therefore, ammonia molecules should diffuse faster due to their smaller size.

Now, the speed of diffusion can vary depending on the specific conditions such as temperature, concentration gradient, and medium. The concentration gradient refers to the difference in concentration between two regions. The greater the difference, the faster the diffusion will occur.

In the case of the cat-pan smell, the concentration gradient may be relatively high initially due to the strong odor. On the other hand, the expensive French perfume is typically diluted and applied sparingly, resulting in a lower initial concentration gradient.

Considering all these factors, it is likely that the bad smell from the cat-pan, containing ammonia, diffuses faster than the expensive French perfume.

To determine how fast the faster substance diffuses, we need to measure the diffusion rate. This can be achieved through experiments using diffusion cells or other techniques. By measuring the distance the substance travels over a specific time period, we can determine the rate of diffusion. Keep in mind that the actual rate will depend on various factors, as mentioned earlier.

Please note that specific quantitative values for diffusion rates would require experimentation under controlled conditions.
