Write a program that will input an item’s wholesale cost and its markup percentage.

The program will output the item’s retail price. The program should repeat for several input values.

For example, if an item cost is 5.00 and markup is 100%, then the retail price is 10.00

or if an item cost is 5.00 and the markup is 50%, then the retail price is 7.50

Use a method called calculateRetail that takes the wholesale cost and markup percentage as arguments and returns the retail price.

To write a program that solves the given problem, we can follow these steps:

1. Define the method `calculateRetail` that takes two arguments: `wholesaleCost` and `markupPercentage`.

def calculateRetail(wholesaleCost, markupPercentage):

2. Inside the method, calculate the retail price using the formula:

retailPrice = wholesaleCost + (wholesaleCost * (markupPercentage / 100))

3. Return the `retailPrice` from the method:

return retailPrice

4. Now, outside the method, create a loop to get the wholesale cost and markup percentage from the user and calculate the retail price using the `calculateRetail` method. Repeat this process until the user chooses to stop.

while True:
# Get input values from the user
wholesaleCost = float(input("Enter the wholesale cost: "))
markupPercentage = float(input("Enter the markup percentage: "))

# Calculate retail price using the calculateRetail method
retailPrice = calculateRetail(wholesaleCost, markupPercentage)

# Print the retail price
print("The retail price is:", retailPrice)

# Ask if the user wants to continue
choice = input("Do you want to continue? (yes/no): ")

# Exit the loop if the user chooses to stop
if choice.lower() == 'no':

5. Finally, run the program and input the wholesale cost and markup percentage when prompted. The program will calculate and display the retail price. Repeat the process for as many inputs as needed.

Here's the complete code:

def calculateRetail(wholesaleCost, markupPercentage):
retailPrice = wholesaleCost + (wholesaleCost * (markupPercentage / 100))
return retailPrice

while True:
wholesaleCost = float(input("Enter the wholesale cost: "))
markupPercentage = float(input("Enter the markup percentage: "))

retailPrice = calculateRetail(wholesaleCost, markupPercentage)

print("The retail price is:", retailPrice)

choice = input("Do you want to continue? (yes/no): ")

if choice.lower() == 'no':