round 12 5/12 to the nearest whole number.

Any fraction less than half is rounded down.

Is 5/12 more or less than half?


It is less than half so the answer is 12

Which one is it

To round 12 5/12 to the nearest whole number, you need to consider the fractional part (5/12) and decide whether to round up or round down. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Analyze the fractional part: In this case, the fractional part is 5/12, which is greater than 1/2 (0.5). Therefore, you'll need to round up.

2. Add 1 to the whole number part: Since you need to round up, add 1 to the whole number, which is 12. So, 12 + 1 = 13.

Therefore, when rounding 12 5/12 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 13.

It is 12 because it is