Make f the subject of the formula

D = √(p/f-p)

To make f the subject of the formula D = √(p/f - p), we need to isolate f on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Remove the square root on the right side by squaring both sides of the equation:
D^2 = p/f - p

Step 2: Add p to both sides of the equation to isolate the fraction term:
D^2 + p = p/f

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by f to get rid of the fraction:
f * (D^2 + p) = p

Step 4: Distribute f on the left side of the equation:
f * D^2 + f * p = p

Step 5: Move the term with f to the right side of the equation:
f * D^2 = p - f * p

Step 6: Factor out f on the left side of the equation:
f * (D^2) = p - f * p

Step 7: Factor out p on the right side of the equation:
f * (D^2) = p * (1 - f)

Step 8: Divide both sides of the equation by (D^2) to isolate f:
f = p * (1 - f) / (D^2)

Therefore, the formula for f is:
f = p * (1 - f) / (D^2)