which term is best defined as a measure of the amount of space a subtance occupies?


It looks like you have answered your own question. If it is three dimensional, it is volume. However, if it is two dimensional, it is area.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking...and answering.

Can someone help me with ths?!??!??!???!??!???!?????!

Yes, I can help you further. Volume is indeed the correct term to define the amount of space a substance occupies, specifically in three dimensions. When we talk about volume, we are referring to the total amount of space an object takes up. It is commonly measured in units like cubic centimeters (cm³), liters (L), or cubic meters (m³).

To calculate the volume of an object, you can use different formulas depending on the shape of the object. For example, the formula for finding the volume of a rectangular prism is length × width × height. On the other hand, the formula for finding the volume of a cylinder is π × radius² × height. For irregularly shaped objects, you may need to use more advanced methods like displacement or integration.

Remember, volume is specifically about measuring the space occupied by a substance in three dimensions, while area is used to measure the space occupied by a substance in two dimensions.