the body mass index is given by the formula, or model, I=700w/h(2), where w= weight and h = height in inches. Jerome is 76 inches tall. what weight will keep his body mass index between 25 and 33

Jeromes body mass index will fa;ll between 25 and 33 for the set of weights such that ?<w<?

h^2 = h squared online

I hope you are using the correct units (lbs and inches).

25 = 700w/(76^2)

33 = 700w/(76^2)

Solve for w in both cases.

To be more exact, the constant is 703 rather than 700, but 700 is easier to deal with.

To find the weight range that will keep Jerome's body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 33, we need to rearrange the equation and substitute the given height.

The BMI formula given is I = 700w/h^2, where w is the weight and h is the height in inches.

First, substitute Jerome's height: h = 76 inches.

Now, rearrange the formula to solve for w:

I = 700w/(76^2)

Multiply both sides of the equation by (76^2) to isolate w:

I * (76^2) = 700w

Divide both sides of the equation by 700:

w = (I * (76^2)) / 700

Now we have an expression for the weight w in terms of the BMI I.

Next, substitute the given BMI range into the expression to find the corresponding weight range. Let's start with the lower limit of 25:

w = (25 * (76^2)) / 700
w ≈ 194.8 pounds

Now, substitute the upper limit of 33:

w = (33 * (76^2)) / 700
w ≈ 262.3 pounds

Therefore, Jerome's body mass index will fall between 25 and 33 for the set of weights such that 194.8 < w < 262.3 pounds.