Discuss how World War I affected the lives of Americans. How did it change American social realities regarding women the family and society in general?

Please help I've looked and just cant come up with nothing.

World War I had a significant impact on the lives of Americans, bringing about various changes in social realities. Specifically, it transformed the roles and perceptions of women, the concept of family, and society as a whole in the following ways:

1. Impact on Women:
During World War I, women's participation in the workforce significantly increased due to the shortage of male workers. As men left for military service, women took on traditionally male-dominated jobs in factories, agriculture, transportation, and other industries. This entry into the workforce allowed women to demonstrate their capabilities and challenged traditional gender roles.

Additionally, the suffrage movement gained momentum during the war. Women's dedication to the war effort led to increased support for their right to vote, culminating in the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, granting women the right to vote.

2. Changing Family Dynamics:
The war brought about changes in family dynamics and relationships. The separation of husbands, fathers, and sons during the war created a void in the traditional family structure. Women were often left to manage the household, take care of children, and make financial decisions independently. This experience led to a gradual shift towards more equal partnerships within marriages and increased autonomy for women in family matters.

3. Social Changes:
World War I also brought about various social changes, altering societal norms and attitudes. War mobilization efforts required the collective support of the entire nation, resulting in a stronger sense of national identity and unity among Americans. The war effort emphasized the importance of sacrifice and service to the nation, fostering a collective spirit.

Additionally, the war's exposure to new ideas and cultures through soldiers' interactions led to increased cultural diversity and a broader perspective on society. This exposure challenged traditional notions of patriotism and contributed to a more cosmopolitan and inclusive society in America.

In conclusion, World War I had a profound impact on American society. It changed the lives of women by challenging traditional gender roles, leading to increased workforce participation and ultimately, the achievement of women's suffrage. The war also altered family dynamics, promoting more equal partnerships within marriages. Furthermore, the war generated social changes, strengthening national identity and fostering cultural diversity, ultimately shaping a more inclusive society in the aftermath of the conflict.