In what industries would it make sense for government regulation that ensures all customers receieve some basic level of service?

I would list essential services such as medical care and food service (welfare of sorts?), but it seems largely up to opinion.

In addition to medical care and food service, I'd add utilities (fuel oil, electricity), sewer, water, education and banking -- the necessities of our lives.

To determine the industries where government regulation ensuring a basic level of service would make sense, we need to consider factors such as public interest, market failures, externalities, and the potential for abuse of power by market players. Here are a few industries that often benefit from such regulations:

1. Utilities: Industries like electricity, water, and natural gas distribution typically require government regulation to ensure universal access, prevent price gouging, maintain safety standards, and manage infrastructure. Regulations in these industries often aim to balance the needs of consumers and providers while promoting fair competition.

2. Telecommunications: Given the essential nature of communication services, governments often regulate the telecommunications industry. Regulation can ensure widespread access, promote fair pricing, and encourage competition. It can also help prevent monopolistic practices that limit consumer choices.

3. Healthcare: Many countries regulate the healthcare industry to ensure affordable and accessible healthcare for all citizens. Government intervention may include measures such as price controls, quality standards, licensing requirements, and the provision of public healthcare services in underserved areas.

4. Banking and Finance: The financial sector often requires government regulation to maintain stability, protect consumers, and prevent financial crises. Regulations may cover areas such as capital requirements, consumer protection, anti-fraud measures, and oversight of financial institutions.

5. Transportation: Industries such as airlines, railways, and public transportation often benefit from government regulation to ensure safety, accessibility, pricing fairness, and quality of service. Governments may intervene to safeguard consumer rights, promote competition, and address environmental concerns.

It's important to note that the need for regulation varies across countries, regions, and industries. Governments must carefully weigh the benefits of regulation against potential drawbacks, ensuring a balance that protects consumers without stifling innovation and economic growth.