If a nickel contains 3.9 gram of copper and 1.2 gram of nickel How many kilograms of copper must be combines with 500 kilograms of nickel to make nickel coins?

(3.9/1.2) x 500 = ____ kg

The ratio of copper mass to nickel mass remains the same for this coin.

The present nickel, like the cent and other coins, are "sandwiches". The outer surfaces contain more nickel than the inside; otherwise the coin would look bronze (like the Sacajawea dollar).

To calculate the amount of copper needed to make nickel coins, we need to determine the copper-to-nickel ratio in the coins. Since 1 nickel coin contains 3.9 grams of copper and 1.2 grams of nickel, the copper-to-nickel ratio is:

Copper-to-Nickel Ratio = 3.9 grams / 1.2 grams = 3.25

This means that for every 3.25 grams of copper, we have 1 gram of nickel.

To find out how much copper is needed to combine with 500 kilograms of nickel, we can use the copper-to-nickel ratio:

Copper Needed = 3.25 grams/g * 500,000 grams (since 1 kilogram = 1000 grams)

Copper Needed = 1,625,000 grams

Since we are looking for the amount in kilograms, we divide by 1000:

Copper Needed = 1,625,000 grams ÷ 1000 = 1625 kilograms

Therefore, 1625 kilograms of copper must be combined with 500 kilograms of nickel to make nickel coins.

To find out how many kilograms of copper must be combined with 500 kilograms of nickel to make nickel coins, we need to determine the ratio between the weights of copper and nickel in the desired proportion.

The given information states that a nickel contains 3.9 grams of copper and 1.2 grams of nickel.

First, let's convert the grams to kilograms for easier calculations.

1 nickel contains 3.9 grams of copper, which is equal to 0.0039 kilograms (since 1 kilogram = 1000 grams).

Similarly, 1 nickel contains 1.2 grams of nickel, which is equal to 0.0012 kilograms.

Now, we can calculate the ratio of copper to nickel in a nickel:

Ratio of copper to nickel = 0.0039 kilograms of copper / 0.0012 kilograms of nickel
≈ 3.25

This means that for every 3.25 kilograms of copper, we need 1 kilogram of nickel to make nickel coins.

To determine the amount of copper required to combine with 500 kilograms of nickel, we can set up a proportion:

x kilograms of copper / 500 kilograms of nickel = 3.25

Cross-multiplying, we get:

x kilograms of copper = 3.25 × 500 kilograms of nickel
= 1625 kilograms of copper

Therefore, to make nickel coins, 1625 kilograms of copper must be combined with 500 kilograms of nickel.