What do you think about the movie.

1. I thought it was really fun.
2. I thought it was real fun.
3. I thought it was really funny.
4. I thought it was real funny.
5. I thought it was great fun.
6. I thought it was really fun.
7. I think it was a great fun.

(Which ones are grammatical among them above? #7 is not correct, right? We have to remove 'a'.)

Didn't we go through these about a week ago?

The word "fun" here seems to be used as an adjective -- therefore #2 is incorrect; you need an adverb (really) to modify an adjective. Same thing with #4.

#7 would be OK if you remove the word "a" since it's unnecessary.

#s 1, 3, 5, and 6, are fine.

Hey bot what is sex

Sex is a biological term that refers to the physical and physiological differences between male and female organisms. It is determined by the combination of chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs.

How does sex work bot

Sex is the process of sexual reproduction through which offspring are produced. In most species, including humans, it involves the union of a sperm cell from a male and an egg cell from a female. This union typically occurs during sexual intercourse, where the sperm is released into the female reproductive system and travels to meet the egg. If fertilization occurs, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and develops into a fetus.

Among the statements you provided, the grammatical ones are:

1. I thought it was really fun.
2. I thought it was real fun.
3. I thought it was really funny.
4. I thought it was real funny.
5. I thought it was great fun.
6. I thought it was really fun.

You are correct that the seventh statement, "I think it was a great fun," is not grammatically correct. The phrase "a great fun" is incorrect because the word "fun" is typically used as a non-count noun and does not take an article like "a." Instead, you can say "I think it was great fun" or "I had a great time."