If you have a grade average at 50% and you score 89% percent on a test what does your grade equal out to?

Well, what is the weighting system for the tests?

If your 50% grade is made from four 100 point tests, then you initially have 200/400 points. When you add in another test, 89%, or 89/100, then you end up with 289/500. This is a 57.8%.

The average of a score of 50% and 89%, however, is 69.5%

If both the 50% and the 89% are weighted the same --

50 + 89 = 139

139/2 = 69.5

incomplete information,

we have to know how many tests yielded the 50%

e.g. suppose you had 5 tests with an average of 50%

then new average after getting 89 on the 6th test
= (50 +50 +50 +50 +50 + 89)/6 = 56.5%

but if you had the 50% form only 3 tests and scored 89 on the fourth ...
= (50 + 50 + 50 + 89)/4 = 59.75%

To calculate your grade after scoring 89% on a test, you need to consider the weightage or contribution of the test towards your overall grade. If you have this information, you can calculate your grade using the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the weightage of the test:
If you know the percentage of the test's contribution to the overall grade, such as 20%, 25%, etc., note it down.

Step 2: Convert the weightage to a decimal:
Divide the weightage percentage by 100 to convert it to a decimal. For example, if the weightage is 20%, divide it by 100 to get 0.20.

Step 3: Calculate the weighted score:
Multiply your test score (89%) by the weightage decimal obtained in Step 2. For example, if the weightage is 0.20, multiply 89% by 0.20 to get your weighted score.

Step 4: Determine the remaining weighted score:
To determine the remaining weighted score (the contribution of your average grade), subtract the weightage decimal obtained in Step 2 from 1. For example, if the weightage is 0.20, subtract 0.20 from 1 to get the remaining weighted score.

Step 5: Calculate the average grade contribution:
Multiply your average grade (50%) by the remaining weighted score obtained in Step 4.

Step 6: Add the weighted test score and average grade contribution:
Add the weighted score obtained in Step 3 with the average grade contribution obtained in Step 5 to get your overall grade.

By following these steps, you can determine your grade after scoring 89% on the test.