The patient reports smoking three packs of cigarettes per month. She denies drug and alcohol use. This statement is an example of

A. social history
B. family history
C. physical examination
D. chief complaint

A. social history

The statement "The patient reports smoking three packs of cigarettes per month. She denies drug and alcohol use" is an example of social history.

To determine the answer, we can break down the options:

A. Social history: This refers to gathering information about a patient's lifestyle, including their occupation, living situation, and habits such as smoking, alcohol use, and drug use.

B. Family history: This refers to obtaining information about diseases and medical conditions that run in the patient's family.

C. Physical examination: This involves a hands-on evaluation of the patient's body to assess their overall health, including checking vital signs, listening to the heart and lungs, examining specific areas of concern, etc.

D. Chief complaint: This refers to the main reason the patient is seeking medical attention and is usually expressed in their own words.

Based on the information provided, the statement does not indicate the main reason for the patient seeking medical attention (chief complaint), is not related to family history, and does not involve a physical examination. Therefore, the correct answer is A. social history.