
Can sombody please help me with this problem
If a soil sample contains 0.5g of iron (Fe3+) per 100g. The iron is precipitated when soil becomes alkaline as shown by equation Fe3+ + 3OH + (x-1)H2O ? FeOOH.xH2O(s)
The soil is sprayed with 50 wt% urea solution with density of 1.21g/ml
equation follows (H2N)2CO + H2O ? CO2+ 2NH4+ + 20H-

1) How do you express the concentration of Fe3+ in the soil sample in mmol/g?
2) How do you calculate the mass and the volume of urea solution needed to precipitate all Fe3+ in the soil sample?


To solve this problem, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the amount of iron (Fe3+) in the soil sample from grams to moles.
Step 2: Calculate the concentration of Fe3+ in mmol/g.
Step 3: Determine the number of moles of Fe3+ in the soil sample.
Step 4: Use stoichiometry to calculate the number of moles of urea needed to precipitate all Fe3+.
Step 5: Convert the moles of urea to mass and volume using the given information.

Let's proceed with step by step calculations:

Step 1: Convert the amount of iron (Fe3+) in the soil sample from grams to moles.
Given: Amount of Fe3+ = 0.5 g.
The molar mass of Fe3+ = 55.845 g/mol.
Number of moles of Fe3+ = Mass of Fe3+ / Molar mass
= 0.5 g / 55.845 g/mol
= 0.008958 mol

Step 2: Calculate the concentration of Fe3+ in mmol/g.
Concentration of Fe3+ in mmol/g = (Number of moles of Fe3+ / Mass of soil sample) x 1000
= (0.008958 mol / 100 g) x 1000
= 0.08958 mmol/g

Step 3: Determine the number of moles of Fe3+ in the soil sample.
Given: Mass of soil sample = 100 g

Number of moles of Fe3+ = Concentration of Fe3+ x Mass of soil sample / 1000
= 0.08958 mmol/g x 100 g / 1000
= 0.008958 mol

Step 4: Use stoichiometry to calculate the number of moles of urea needed to precipitate all Fe3+.
From the precipitation equation, the stoichiometry is as follows:
1 mol Fe3+ + 3 mol OH- + (x-1) mol H2O → 1 mol FeOOH.xH2O
Therefore, the stoichiometric ratio of Fe3+ to urea is 1:1.

Number of moles of urea needed = Number of moles of Fe3+
= 0.008958 mol

Step 5: Convert the moles of urea to mass and volume using the given information.
Given: Concentration of urea solution = 50 wt% = 50 g/100 mL = 0.5 g/mL

Mass of urea solution needed = Number of moles of urea x Molar mass of urea
= 0.008958 mol x 60.06 g/mol (molar mass of urea)
= 0.537 g

Volume of urea solution needed = Mass of urea solution needed / Density of urea solution
= 0.537 g / 1.21 g/mL (density of urea solution)
= 0.444 mL

Therefore, to precipitate all Fe3+ in the soil sample, you would need approximately 0.537 grams of urea solution with a volume of 0.444 mL.

To answer your questions, we'll go through each step one by one:

1) How to express the concentration of Fe3+ in the soil sample in mmol/g:

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of Fe3+ (iron ion).
The molar mass of Fe3+ is calculated as the sum of the atomic masses of its constituents:
Molar mass of Fe3+ = (3 x atomic mass of Fe) + (3 x electric charge of Fe3+)

(Note: The atomic mass of Fe is 55.845 g/mol, and the electric charge of Fe3+ is 3+)

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of Fe3+ in the soil sample.
This can be calculated using the equation:
Number of moles of Fe3+ = mass of Fe3+ in the soil sample / molar mass of Fe3+

(Note: The mass of Fe3+ in the soil sample is given as 0.5 g)

Step 3: Calculate the concentration of Fe3+ in the soil sample in mmol/g.
This can be calculated using the equation:
Concentration of Fe3+ = (Number of moles of Fe3+ / mass of soil sample) x 1000

(Note: The mass of the soil sample is given as 100 g)

2) How to calculate the mass and the volume of urea solution needed to precipitate all Fe3+ in the soil sample:

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of Fe3+ in the soil sample, as we did in the first question.

Step 2: From the balanced equation for urea (H2N)2CO + H2O → CO2 + 2NH4+ + 20H-, you can see that for every mole of Fe3+ precipitated, 3 moles of OH- are required.

Step 3: Calculate the number of moles of OH- required to precipitate all the Fe3+ in the soil sample.
Number of moles of OH- = 3 x number of moles of Fe3+

Step 4: Calculate the number of moles of urea required to provide the necessary moles of OH-.
Since the urea solution is 50 wt% (weight percent), we need to convert the mass of urea solution needed to moles of urea:
Number of moles of urea = (Number of moles of OH-) / (number of moles of OH- per mole of urea)

(Note: The molar mass of urea is 60.06 g/mol, and from the balanced equation, there are 3 moles of OH- for every mole of urea.)

Step 5: Calculate the mass and volume of the urea solution needed.
Mass of urea solution = Number of moles of urea x molar mass of urea
Volume of urea solution = Mass of urea solution / density of urea solution

(Note: The density of the urea solution is given as 1.21 g/mL)

I hope this helps you to solve the problem. Let me know if you need any further clarification or assistance.