which of these equations represents that 5 less then 10 a number is 15?

A)10n - 5 = 15

B)5n - 10 = 15

C)(5-10)n = 15

D 5- (10 + n) = 15

i think its (C)

i am thinking A

"5 less than 10" = 10 - 5

Does that help you revise your choice?

The correct equation that represents "5 less then 10 a number is 15" is actually option A) 10n - 5 = 15.

Let's break it down step-by-step:

1) Assume the number is represented by the variable "n".

2) According to the given statement, "5 less than 10 times a number" can be written as "10n - 5".

3) The statement also says that this expression is equal to 15, so we can now set up the equation: "10n - 5 = 15".

Therefore, the correct equation is indeed option A) 10n - 5 = 15.

To find the equation that represents "5 less than 10 times a number is 15," we can break it down into the following steps:

Step 1: Let's first define a variable for the unknown number. Let's say n represents the number.

Step 2: The statement "10 times a number" can be written as 10n.

Step 3: Since we need to find "5 less than 10 times a number," we subtract 5 from 10n, giving us 10n - 5.

Step 4: Finally, we have the equation: 10n - 5 = 15.

Now, let's analyze each of the given options:

A) 10n - 5 = 15: This matches the equation we derived in Step 4, so it is a correct representation.

B) 5n - 10 = 15: In this option, the number is being multiplied by 5 instead of 10, which is not what the problem stated. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

C) (5-10)n = 15: In this option, the subtraction of 5 from 10 is placed inside the parentheses, which is incorrect based on the problem statement. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

D) 5 - (10 + n) = 15: In this option, the subtraction is not occurring after multiplying the number by 10, as stated in the problem. Therefore, this option is incorrect.

Thus, the correct answer is (A) 10n - 5 = 15.