Andrew worked from 9:45 am to 3:40 pm on long did he work on Saturday?

A)5 hours 50 minutes

B)5 hours 55 minutes

C)6 hours 5 minutes

D)6 hours 55 minutes

i got 6 hours 35 minutes what did i do wrong

I like changing to a 24 hour clock (adding 12 to all PM hours)

from 0945 to 1540?

To calculate the total duration Andrew worked on Saturday, you need to subtract the starting time from the ending time.

First, let's write the starting and ending times in a 24-hour format:

Starting time: 9:45 am = 9:45
Ending time: 3:40 pm = 15:40

Now, let's convert the times to minutes for easier calculation:
9:45 am = 9*60 + 45 = 585 minutes
3:40 pm = 15*60 + 40 = 940 minutes

To find the duration, subtract the starting time (585) from the ending time (940):
940 - 585 = 355 minutes

Now you can convert the duration from minutes to hours and minutes:
355 minutes = 5 hours + 355 % 60 minutes = 5 hours 55 minutes

Based on this calculation, the correct answer is B) 5 hours 55 minutes.

Therefore, if you got 6 hours 35 minutes as your answer, it seems like you might have made an error during the conversion or calculation. Double-check your calculations to find the mistake.