If the sun is in the center of the constellation Sagittarius on January 10, what time does it rise and set?

To determine the time of sunrise and sunset for a specific location and date, you need access to an astronomical database or a website that provides this information. One reliable source for such information is the U.S. Naval Observatory's Astronomical Applications Department (AA.D) website. Here's how you can find the sunrise and sunset times:

1. Go to the AA.D website (https://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/).
2. On the main page, under "Data Services," click on "Rise/Set/Transit Times."
3. On the Rise/Set/Transit Times page, scroll down and select your desired location. You can either enter the latitude and longitude coordinates or choose a major city near your location from the provided list.
4. Choose the date for which you want to find the sunrise and sunset times. In this case, it would be January 10.
5. Select the "Sun" option for the celestial object.
6. Click the "Compute table" button to generate the sunrise and sunset times for that location on the selected date.

Once you follow these steps, the website will display a table with the sunrise and sunset times for the given date and location. Keep in mind that specific times may vary depending on your location and the particular year.