34. The heart is divided into two major sections with two chambers in each section. Tell an easy way to remember which section carries oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood, the chamber the blood enters first, and the second chamber the blood exits from.

I think the chamber that blood enters first is pulmonary arteries...? and it exits from aorta?
Well, I need help on this..especially with the first part of an easy way to remember which section carries what blood.



Study this site and take notes on it. That should help you figure out an easy way to remember.




To remember which section of the heart carries oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, as well as the sequence of chambers, you can use the mnemonic "PVT TIM HALL." Here's how it works:

P - Pulmonary (section)
V - Veins (carry deoxygenated blood)
T - Tricuspid valve (first chamber blood enters)
TIM - Tri - mitral valve (second chamber blood enters)
HALL - Hall - Aortic valve (chamber blood exits)

So, in this mnemonic, the "P" stands for the Pulmonary section, which carries deoxygenated blood. The "V" represents the veins that transport the deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The "T" signifies the Tricuspid valve, which is the first chamber the blood enters. The "I" in "TIM" stands for the Tri - mitral valve, which is the second chamber the blood enters. Finally, the "HALL" part relates to the Hall - Aortic valve, which is the chamber the blood exits from, and it carries oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

Using the mnemonic "PVT TIM HALL" can be an easy way to remember the sections of the heart, the type of blood each carries, and the sequence of chambers.