Please help me solve.



6x - 5 = 43
6x = 48
x = ?

x=8 correct?


To solve the equation 8x - (2x + 5) = 43, you need to simplify and find the value of x.

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign (-) to the terms inside the parentheses:
8x - 2x - 5 = 43

Step 2: Combine like terms:
6x - 5 = 43

Step 3: Isolate the variable term by moving the constant term to the other side of the equation:
6x = 43 + 5
6x = 48

Step 4: Solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x:
x = 48 / 6
x = 8

Therefore, the solution to the equation 8x - (2x + 5) = 43 is x = 8.