How do you do this problem because i feel like i did it wrong

(3�ã2 + 4)^2

(3�ã2 + 4)(3�ã2 + 4)
9�ã4 + 12�ã2 + 12�ã2 + 16
9*2�ã2 + 12�ã2 + 12�ã2 + 16
18�ã2 + 12�ã2 + 12�ã2 + 16 =
42�ã2 + 16


Please don't switch names when you repost a question. First you were Meghan now you are Angel

expanding you will get 9a^4+24a^2+16

check back

To simplify the expression (3√2 + 4)^2, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that (a + b)^2 can be expanded as a^2 + 2ab + b^2.

Step 2: In this case, a = 3√2 and b = 4.

Step 3: Square each term:

(3√2)^2 = 9 * 2 = 18

2 * 3√2 * 4 = 24√2

(4)^2 = 16

Step 4: Simplify the expression:

18 + 24√2 + 16 = 34 + 24√2

Therefore, the simplified form of (3√2 + 4)^2 is 34 + 24√2.

It seems like you made an error in your calculation when expanding (3√2 + 4)(3√2 + 4). You doubled the product of 12√2 instead of adding it once. This resulted in an incorrect answer of 42√2 + 16 instead of the correct answer of 34 + 24√2.