How much does Jane pay for 1 pound 12 ounces of apples at $1.96 per pound?

1 pound 12 ounces = 1 12/16 = 1.75

1.75 * 1.96 = ?

One morning Martin drove 80 miles in 2 hours. After lunch,he covered 100 miles more in 3hours .What was his average rate of speed in miles per hour,for the 5 hours of driving?

help with math questions how much does Jamie pay for a 1 pounds 12 ounces of apples at a dollar 96 per pound

To find out how much Jane pays for 1 pound 12 ounces of apples at $1.96 per pound, we need to convert the 12 ounces to pounds and then multiply it by the cost per pound.

1 pound is equal to 16 ounces, so 1 pound 12 ounces can be written as 1 + (12 / 16) pounds.

To simplify, we divide 12 by 16:
12 / 16 = 0.75

So, 1 pound 12 ounces is equal to 1.75 pounds.

Now, we can calculate the cost:
Cost = Weight x Price per pound
Cost = 1.75 pounds x $1.96 per pound

Multiplying the numbers:
Cost = $3.43

Therefore, Jane would pay $3.43 for 1 pound 12 ounces of apples at $1.96 per pound.