how are 2 hours and the distance traveled in 2 hours represented in the table?how are they shown on the graph?ps....make a table and a graph....

Set up x and y axis, then chart the progress.

kk but wats the answer after that

After setting up the x and y-axis, we can create a table to represent the relationship between time (in hours) and the distance traveled.

| Time (hours) | Distance Traveled |
| 2 | ? |

To find the distance traveled in 2 hours, we need additional information. If we assume a constant speed or average velocity, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's say the speed is 50 miles per hour:

| Time (hours) | Distance Traveled |
| 2 | 100 |

Now, we can represent this information on a graph by plotting the time on the x-axis and the distance traveled on the y-axis.

The x-axis represents time (in hours), and the y-axis represents the distance traveled (in miles). We can label the axis accordingly.

Then, we plot the point (2, 100) on the graph, where 2 is the time in hours and 100 is the distance traveled in miles.

Lastly, we can connect the points on the graph with a line to visually represent the relationship between time and distance traveled.