A storage area measures 12 feet 6 inches in width by 16 feet in length by 8 feet 3 inches in height. If it is 4/5 full, how many cubic feet of storage space remains (rounded to the nearest cubic foot)?

what is 1/5*12.5*16*8.25 ?

12.5 * 16 * 8.25 = 1,650 cubic feet

0.2 * 1650 = 330 cubic feet

To find out how many cubic feet of storage space remains, we first need to calculate the total volume of the storage area. Then, we can determine how much space is filled and subtract it from the total volume.

The width of the storage area is 12 feet 6 inches, which can be converted to 12.5 feet (since 1 foot is equal to 12 inches).
The length is 16 feet.
The height is 8 feet 3 inches, which can be converted to 8.25 feet.

To find the volume, we multiply the length, width, and height together:
Volume = Length x Width x Height

Volume = 16 feet x 12.5 feet x 8.25 feet
Volume = 1650 cubic feet

Now, we need to calculate the amount of storage space that is filled. Since the area is 4/5 full, we multiply the total volume by 4/5:

Filled space = Volume x (4/5)
Filled space = 1650 cubic feet x (4/5)
Filled space = 1320 cubic feet

Finally, we can find the remaining storage space by subtracting the filled space from the total volume:
Remaining space = Volume - Filled space
Remaining space = 1650 cubic feet - 1320 cubic feet
Remaining space = 330 cubic feet

Therefore, there are approximately 330 cubic feet of storage space remaining in the area.