I just need someone to explain this suggestion to me about a evaluation plan. I am so confused and my instructor not answering her phone. I really need help.

The assignment was to describe the types of evaluations you would include in your evaluation plan and how each would serve to analyze various processes or intended outcomes. An example would be the Project Wide Evaluation Plan, Objective Oriented Evaluation, etc. What are your desired results, indicators, or method or measurement, etc? Please be sure to read the directions carefully as to not lose valuable points.

Sure, I can help explain the suggestion about an evaluation plan to you.

An evaluation plan is a document that outlines the different types of evaluations you would include in your assessment process and how each evaluation will help analyze various processes or intended outcomes. It is important to understand the types of evaluations and what they aim to achieve.

In your assignment, you mentioned two types of evaluations: Project Wide Evaluation Plan and Objective Oriented Evaluation. Let's start by understanding each of them:

1. Project Wide Evaluation Plan: This type of evaluation focuses on assessing the overall project goals, objectives, and outcomes. It helps in measuring the overall success and impact of a project. Some common elements that could be included in a Project Wide Evaluation Plan are:

- Desired results: Clearly defining what the project aims to achieve and the desired outcomes.
- Indicators: Identifying measurable indicators that will help determine if the desired results are being achieved.
- Methods of measurement: Determining the specific methods or techniques that will be used to gather data and evaluate progress towards the desired outcomes.

2. Objective Oriented Evaluation: This type of evaluation focuses on specific objectives within a project. It helps in assessing the effectiveness of individual objectives and their contribution to the overall success of the project. Some elements that could be included in an Objective Oriented Evaluation are:

- Desired results: Identifying specific objectives within the project and their expected outcomes.
- Indicators: Defining measurable indicators that will demonstrate progress towards each objective.
- Methods of measurement: Determining the specific methods or tools that will be used to collect data and measure progress towards each objective.

To ensure you don't lose valuable points, make sure to carefully read and follow the directions provided by your instructor. Pay attention to any specific requirements or criteria mentioned in the assignment prompt. Additionally, be sure to:

- Clearly describe the types of evaluations you would include in your evaluation plan.
- Explain how each evaluation will contribute to the analysis of various processes or intended outcomes.
- Provide specific details regarding the desired results, indicators, and methodology for each evaluation.

If you are still unsure about certain aspects of your evaluation plan, I would recommend reaching out to your instructor when they are available or exploring other resources, such as textbooks or online articles, that can provide more guidance on evaluation plans.