In a certain coastal basin, the sea water contains 3.5 grams of salt per 1000 milliliters of water. How many grams of salt would be in 2 liters of the sea water.

To find the number of grams of salt in 2 liters of sea water, you can use the given information that there are 3.5 grams of salt per 1000 milliliters.

Step 1: Convert liters to milliliters.
Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, you can multiply 2 liters by 1000 to get the equivalent in milliliters.
2 liters * 1000 milliliters/1 liter = 2000 milliliters

Step 2: Calculate the amount of salt in 2 liters (2000 milliliters) of sea water.
You can set up a proportion using the given ratio:
3.5 grams of salt / 1000 milliliters = x grams of salt / 2000 milliliters

Cross-multiplying the proportion, you get:
3.5 * 2000 = 1000 * x

Simplifying the equation:
7000 = 1000 * x

Dividing both sides by 1000:
7000 / 1000 = x

Therefore, x = 7

So, there would be 7 grams of salt in 2 liters of sea water.

To find out how many grams of salt would be in 2 liters of sea water, we need to calculate the amount of salt in 2 liters using the given concentration of salt in the water.

Salt concentration in sea water = 3.5 grams per 1000 milliliters of water

First, we need to convert 2 liters into milliliters as follows:
1 liter = 1000 milliliters
So, 2 liters = 2 * 1000 = 2000 milliliters

Now, we can set up a proportion to find the amount of salt in 2 liters of sea water.

Let x be the amount of salt in 2 liters of sea water.
Therefore, we can set up the proportion: 3.5 grams / 1000 milliliters = x grams / 2000 milliliters

To solve the proportion, we cross-multiply and solve for x:
1000 * x = 3.5 * 2000
1000x = 7000
x = 7000 / 1000
x = 7

So, there would be 7 grams of salt in 2 liters of sea water.

1,000 milliliters = 1 liter

2 * 3.5 = ?

In a certain coastal basin, the sea water contains 3.9 grams of salt per 1000 milliliters of water. How many grams of salt would be in 3 liters of the sea water?