One way to make the overall message of this article more objective would be to.

Select all that apply

remove the quality statements
make more quality statments
add alternative opinions
remove any inaccurate information
none of the above


My ESP connection must be out of order today.

could it be none of the above

I have no idea what article you're talking about!

ok thanks any way.

To make the overall message of an article more objective, you can select multiple approaches. However, it is important to note that the specific actions to achieve objectivity may vary depending on the article's content and context. That being said, here are some possible options that you can consider:

1. Remove the quality statements: Removing subjective statements that express opinions or judgments can help eliminate bias and make the article more objective. This includes avoiding language that presents something as "good," "bad," "better," or "worse" without providing clear evidence or reasoning.

2. Add alternative opinions: Including diverse perspectives and alternative opinions can help present a balanced view to the readers. This can involve including quotes or referenced opinions from different sources or experts relevant to the topic.

3. Remove any inaccurate information: Ensuring the accuracy of information is crucial in maintaining objectivity. Check the facts, verify sources, and remove any misleading or incorrect information. Use reliable sources and provide proper citations to support claims.

Therefore, to make the overall message of an article more objective, you can select options 1, 2, and 3: remove the quality statements, add alternative opinions, and remove any inaccurate information.