Identify any asymptotes of the graph.

y = 1.08^5x

I know that there is a horizontal asymptote but I do not know how to find it.

To find the asymptotes of the graph y = 1.08^5x, we need to look for any horizontal or vertical lines that the graph approaches or gets arbitrarily close to but never intersects.

In this case, we are looking for a horizontal asymptote. A horizontal asymptote occurs when the graph approaches a particular y-value as x approaches positive or negative infinity.

To find the horizontal asymptote, we need to observe the behavior of the function as x approaches positive or negative infinity. In the equation y = 1.08^5x, we can see that as x becomes larger and larger, the value of 1.08^5x also becomes larger and larger. Consequently, there is no specific y-value to which the graph is approaching as x approaches infinity, and thus there is no horizontal asymptote.

In other words, the graph of y = 1.08^5x increases indefinitely without approaching any particular y-value. Therefore, there are no horizontal asymptotes for this graph.