C9H20 + 19/2O2 -> 9CO2 + 10H2O

Please Can u find the physical states for this equation?

this is the combustion of hydrocarbons now to balance it use this formula CxHy+[x+y/4O2->xCO2+y/2H2O

the physical state of first one is liquid the second is gas. third one is gas and last one is liquid

To determine the physical states for each of the substances in the chemical equation, you would typically need to refer to a reliable source such as a chemistry reference book or database. However, I can provide you with some general guidelines to help you identify the physical states based on the given equation.

In this case, the chemical equation is representing the combustion of an organic compound, which typically occurs in the gaseous phase.

Based on this, it is reasonable to assume that C9H20 (a hydrocarbon) and O2 (molecular oxygen) are both in the gaseous state as reactants.

After the reaction, the products formed are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Carbon dioxide is a well-known gas, while water exists commonly in the liquid state, especially at room temperature.

Therefore, based on these assumptions, the physical states for the equation can be written as follows:

C9H20 (g) + 19/2O2 (g) -> 9CO2 (g) + 10H2O (l)

Please note that this representation is an educated assumption based on the given equation. For accurate and specific information regarding physical states of substances, it is essential to consult reliable sources.