Can anyone tell me a quote about Myrtle in the Great Gatsby which proves:

She is shown to be an attention seeker who tries to make an appearance of being in the upper class by criticizing the lower classes.

To find a quote about Myrtle in The Great Gatsby that supports the idea that she is an attention seeker who tries to appear upper class by criticizing the lower classes, we need to analyze the character and dialogue in the novel.

1. Read the book: First, you need to have read F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby. Reading the book will provide you with a deeper understanding of the characters, their interactions, and dialogue.

2. Identify key scenes: Pay attention to scenes involving Myrtle Wilson, particularly those that highlight her behavior and attitude towards social class. Look for instances where Myrtle seeks attention or criticizes those in lower classes.

3. Analyze Myrtle's character: Myrtle is Tom Buchanan's mistress, who is portrayed as an ambitious lower-class woman yearning for a higher status. She becomes frustrated with her working-class life and tries to assert dominance and sophistication by criticizing those below her.

4. Look for relevant quotes: Based on your understanding of Myrtle's character and her behavior, search for quotes in the book that capture her attention-seeking nature and her habit of using criticism to elevate herself. Here are some possible examples:

- "I married him because I thought he was a gentleman... I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe" (Chapter 2).
- "I can't stand my husband... the only crazy thing I did was marry him" (Chapter 2).
- "I'm going to make a list of all the things I've done for him... and then I'm going to ask him for a measly $350" (Chapter 2).
- "I think he realizes his presumptuous little flirtation is over" (Chapter 7).

These quotes highlight Myrtle's dissatisfaction with her lower-class husband, her desire for material wealth, and her critical nature towards those she perceives as beneath her.

Remember to include the appropriate citation when using a quote from the novel. In this case, you can mention the quote and the chapter it is from, such as "Myrtle states, 'I married him because I thought he was a gentleman... I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasn't fit to lick my shoe' (Chapter 2)."

By following these steps, you can find a quote from The Great Gatsby that supports the idea of Myrtle being an attention seeker who tries to appear upper class by criticizing the lower classes.