How do such rewards influence recruitment or retention? This is what I have for internal and external rewards that affect recruitment and retention of qualitiy teachers. Internal rewards-the satisfaction a person gets from teaching and helping children learn.

External rewards-salary, benefits, summer vacation, job security, work schedule, autonomy, and occupational status.

So far, so good but how may be help you?


You have defined the rewards well. However, you do not indicate how they effect recruitment and retention. With high internal rewards, teachers are more willing to put up with somewhat lower external rewards. Because I loved to teach (and still do), I was willing to put up with a relatively lower salary, year-to-year contract renewal and lower occupational status.

However, now I am retired, but since I am financially secure, I am still a volunteer teacher. That is why I answer these posts along with lecturing to various community groups.

I hope this helps.

I am still confused with this question.

How do such rewards influence recruitment or retention?

To understand how rewards influence recruitment and retention of quality teachers, let's analyze the impact of both internal and external rewards individually.

1. Internal rewards: These are the psychological benefits or intrinsic motivators that teachers derive from their work. They include the satisfaction of teaching and helping children learn, the sense of fulfillment and purpose, and the joy of making a positive impact on students' lives. Internal rewards can significantly influence recruitment and retention by attracting individuals who are passionate about teaching and committed to fostering student growth. Teachers who find intrinsic rewards in their work are more likely to stay in the profession for longer periods, contributing to better retention.

2. External rewards: External rewards are tangible and material incentives offered to teachers. They include factors such as salary, benefits, summer vacation, job security, work schedule, autonomy, and occupational status. These external rewards play a vital role in attracting and retaining quality teachers. Let's examine their impact individually:

- Salary: Adequate and competitive salaries are crucial for recruitment and retention. Teachers need to earn a livable wage that reflects their expertise, responsibilities, and educational attainment.

- Benefits: Comprehensive benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks, can greatly influence teachers' decisions to join or remain in a particular school or district.

- Summer Vacation: A significant advantage in teaching is the summer vacation period. This extended break allows teachers to recharge and pursue personal interests or professional development opportunities.

- Job security: Teachers value stable employment and seek positions that offer job security, such as tenure or contractual agreements. This reassurance fosters retention by reducing concerns about layoffs or job instability.

- Work schedule: Flexibility in work schedules can positively impact recruitment and retention. Teachers appreciate the ability to balance personal obligations and professional commitments effectively.

- Autonomy: Empowering teachers with autonomy in their classrooms fosters job satisfaction and engagement, leading to higher retention rates. The ability to make instructional decisions and tailor teaching approaches to individual students' needs is highly valued by quality teachers.

- Occupational status: Teachers who are respected and recognized for their profession tend to feel more valued and motivated to stay. Societal appreciation and acknowledgment of the importance of teaching contribute to retention efforts.

In conclusion, both internal and external rewards play crucial roles in influencing recruitment and retention of quality teachers. While internal rewards provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, external rewards offer tangible benefits and incentives that attract and retain teachers. A comprehensive approach that acknowledges and adequately addresses these factors can positively impact the recruitment and retention of quality teachers.