As you are leaving the community, you notice another new community just down the street. Because you are in the area, you decide to inquire about it.

a) The sales representative here tells you they also have two floor plans available, but they only have 30 homes available. Write an equation that illustrates the situation. Use x and y to denote floor plan #1 and floor plan #2 respectively.

b) The representative tells you that floor plan #1 sells for $229,900 and floor plan #2 sells for $399,000. She also mentions that all the available houses combined are worth $9,602,600. Write an equation that illustrates this situation. Use the same variables you used in part a.

c) Use elimination to determine how many houses with each floor plan are available. Show all detail calculations

Can someone help me get started on this I am so confused....


heres what I think the answer is please tell me if I am correct

B)I get stuck at costs for homes and elimination method

I thought this question sounded vaguely familiar

Looks like the teacher simply changed the numbers since November

I am stuck on the elimination process it looks like on the other one you began to reduce but I do not understand how you got those numbers?

I am stuck on this same problem and I looked at what you are saying to do and I do understand the first half but how do you do the second...KIKI I think we are in the same class...

Sure, I can help you get started with this problem! Let's break it down step by step:

a) To write the equation that illustrates the situation, we need to know the number of homes available for each floor plan. Let's assume the number of homes available for floor plan #1 is 'x' and for floor plan #2 is 'y'.

Given that there are 30 homes available in total, the equation would be:
x + y = 30

b) The sales representative mentioned that floor plan #1 sells for $229,900, and floor plan #2 sells for $399,000. To represent the total value of all the available houses, we can multiply the number of homes of each floor plan with their respective prices and sum them up.

Using the variables x and y again, the equation would be:
229900x + 399000y = 9602600

c) To determine the number of houses with each floor plan using the elimination method, we need to solve the system of equations formed by the equations in parts a) and b).

We have the following equations:
1) x + y = 30
2) 229900x + 399000y = 9602600

To eliminate one variable, we can multiply equation 1) by 229900 to get:
229900x + 229900y = 6897000

Now, we can subtract equation 2) from the modified equation 1) to eliminate x:
(229900x + 229900y) - (229900x + 399000y) = 6897000 - 9602600
229900x - 229900x + 229900y - 399000y = -2705600
-169100y = -2705600

Finally, solve for y:
y = -2705600 / -169100
y ≈ 16

Now, substitute the value of y back into equation 1) to find the value of x:
x + 16 = 30
x ≈ 30 - 16
x ≈ 14

Therefore, there are approximately 14 houses with floor plan #1 and 16 houses with floor plan #2 available in the new community.