Given that P(A)= 1/36, what are the odds against A occuring?

I found this formula in my chapter

odds against A= 1-P(a)/P(a)

Would it be 1-1/36 over 1/36? Or how do I go about it?

If the P(A) = 1/36, then probability of non-A =

1 - 1/36 = 35/36.

To carry that a bit further

odds = probability of what you want / probability of what you do not want

you want odds against A
so probability of what you want is 35/36
and the probability of what you do not want is A or 1/36
so odds against A are (35/36) / (1/36) = 35 to 1

which is [1-p(a)]/p(a)

To find the odds against event A occurring, you can use the formula:

Odds against A = (1 - P(A)) / P(A)

In your case, P(A) = 1/36. Plugging this value into the formula, we have:

Odds against A = (1 - 1/36) / (1/36)

To simplify this expression, we can first find the common denominator:

Odds against A = (36/36 - 1/36) / (1/36)

Next, let's perform the subtraction:

Odds against A = (35/36) / (1/36)

To divide two fractions, we can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:

Odds against A = (35/36) * (36/1)

We can cancel out the common factor of 36:

Odds against A = 35/1

Therefore, the odds against event A occurring are 35 to 1. This means that for every 35 outcomes where A does not occur, there is 1 outcome where A occurs.