you are a CEO at a human service Agency, who just took over another small human service agency. Now convince the board of directors why you need a new mission statement

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Btw -- you have the strangest first name I've ever seen.

And your school subject is not adult education.

Board of Directors,

I hope this message finds you well. As the newly appointed CEO of our human service agency, I would like to bring to your attention the need for a new mission statement. While I understand that our organization has a pre-existing mission statement, allow me to explain why it is essential for us to reassess and redefine our purpose in light of our recent acquisition of another small human service agency.

First and foremost, a mission statement serves as a guiding principle for our organization. It outlines our purpose, our goals, and the impact we strive to make in the communities we serve. With the acquisition of the smaller agency, we have expanded our scope of work and increased our impact on a wider scale. Hence, aligning our mission statement with this newfound responsibility is crucial.

Updating our mission statement will allow us to incorporate the goals and values of the organization we acquired. By doing so, we can create a unified vision that encompasses both the traditions and achievements of our agency and the strengths and expertise of the acquired agency. This will foster a sense of unity, shared purpose, and collaboration among our employees and stakeholders.

Moreover, a new mission statement will help us attract and retain top talent. Potential employees seek organizations that have a clear sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference in the world. By revisiting and reshaping our mission statement, we can demonstrate our dedication to excellence, innovation, and social impact, making us an attractive employer and positioning our agency as a leader within the industry.

Another important aspect of a new mission statement is its communicative power. A well-crafted mission statement effectively conveys our organization's goals and values to our stakeholders, partners, and donors. As we integrate the acquired agency's resources, programs, and services, it is crucial to present a clear and compelling message that showcases the combined strength and potential of our organization. This will not only enhance our reputation but also increase our ability to secure funding and form meaningful partnerships.

To ensure the development of a new mission statement, I propose the following steps:

1. Conduct an internal assessment: Evaluate our current mission statement, values, and goals. Identify the strengths and weaknesses, and assess how it aligns with the newly acquired agency.

2. Engage stakeholders: Gather input from employees, clients, and community members to understand their perspectives, needs, and aspirations. This will ensure that the new mission statement reflects the collective voice of those we serve.

3. Form a mission statement committee: Establish a diverse committee comprising representatives from both agencies. This committee will be responsible for analyzing the assessment results, conducting research, and drafting the new mission statement.

4. Develop and refine the mission statement: Through collaborative discussions and feedback loops, craft a mission statement that is inclusive, inspiring, and representative of our shared values and goals.

5. Communicate and implement: Share the new mission statement broadly within the organization and to our external stakeholders. Ensure that it is effectively communicated through various channels, such as our website, promotional materials, and public events.

In conclusion, reevaluating and creating a new mission statement for our agency following the acquisition of a smaller human service agency is vital to our growth, alignment, and long-term success. It will unify our organization, attract top talent, and effectively communicate our purpose to stakeholders. I kindly request your support and approval in pursuing this crucial initiative.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

[Your Name]
CEO, [Your Human Service Agency's Name]