If a child or teenager is living under poverty and struggles in elementary or high school, what kind of stress are they going through?

Chronic stress

Children could be hungry if the family doesn't have sufficient money for food. This is the reason for the federal lunch program, which now includes breakfast. For many kids in poverty situations, school lunches are their best meal of the day. Some districts with high poverty numbers try to find ways to feed kids during summer, too.

They could have very few articles of clothing, and the older a kid gets, the more self-conscious he/she is about things like this. If the child is thinking of things like this, he/she is not thinking about schoolwork.

Those things are not minor. Anything like that which interferes with his/her ability to listen, concentrate, pay attention, read, think ... impedes his/her learning.

The whole thing is a spiral, and there are many other factors, including possibly an upsetting home life (one-parent home with that parent maybe working more than one part-time job -- or out of work entirely; any violence at home, whether aimed at the child or not; etc.).

Other teachers may have more specifics to add.

Ms. Sue, if you're not doing good in school, are you suffering from mental stress?

Probably. Doing poorly in school could be part of the cause of mental stress or mental stress could result from doing poorly in school.

chronic stress because it is long lasting compared to short term or acute stress.

Living under poverty and struggling in school can lead to a multitude of stresses for children and teenagers. Here are some common stressors that they may experience:

1. Financial Stress: Children and teenagers from low-income households often worry about basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. They may witness their parents' financial struggles or feel responsible for contributing to the family's income.

2. Academic Pressure: Struggling academically can cause significant stress. These students may feel overwhelmed by their coursework, have difficulty keeping up with assignments, and fear falling behind their peers.

3. Social Challenges: Poverty can lead to social isolation and a sense of exclusion. Children and teenagers who cannot afford the same opportunities as their peers may feel left out or stigmatized. This can impact their self-esteem and overall well-being.

4. Family Instability: Poverty often coincides with unstable living situations, such as frequent moves or shared accommodation. This lack of stability can disrupt their education and social connections, leading to stress and anxiety.

5. Lack of Resources: Limited access to educational resources, such as textbooks, internet, or tutoring, can hinder academic progress and contribute to feelings of frustration and helplessness.

6. Emotional Burden: Living under poverty and struggling in school can lead to emotional distress. These individuals may feel a constant pressure to succeed while grappling with the challenges of their circumstances. They may also experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.

It is important for educators, parents, and communities to provide support, resources, and opportunities to help alleviate some of these stressors and promote the well-being and academic success of children and teenagers in poverty.