10. The mouth, small intestine, and kidneys have functions that involve the

a. digestion of food, synthesis of vitamins, and filtering of the blood
b. intake, digestion, absorption, and elimination of food and wastes
c. secretion of bile, digestion of food, and reabsorption of water
d. all of the above


13. As urine passes through the nephrons in the kidneys, urine from the renal tubule empties into a larger tube called a (n)
a. ureter
b. collecting tube
c. Bowman's capsule
d. renal vein


10. Ofcourse not. Kidneys don't secrete bile, nor synethesis of vitamins...at least here in Texas.

13. Nope. They empty into the collecting tube.

Well, if it's not done in Texas, it probably also isn't done in Georgia... =]


For question 10, the mouth, small intestine, and kidneys all have different functions that involve the intake, digestion, absorption, and elimination of food and wastes. To answer this question, you can eliminate options a, c, since they do not mention all the functions. Option d, "all of the above," includes all the functions mentioned, making it the correct answer.

For question 13, as urine passes through the nephrons in the kidneys, it goes through several structures. The renal tubule is one of those structures, and it empties its contents into a larger tube called the ureter. Therefore, the correct answer is a, "ureter," not c, "Bowman's capsule."