which of there words probably comes from the latin word conducere,meaning to lead together?





i think it is (B) or (D)

How many letters in B are the same letters in the same order as in "conducere"?

How many letters in D are the same letters in the same order as in "conducere"?

Let me know what you think.

i don't get what your trying to say and I'm guessing 3




Which 2 of the three are most similar?



thank you

To determine which word most likely comes from the Latin word "conducere," meaning "to lead together," we can break down each option and analyze its origin.

A) "Complete" does not directly relate to the concept of leading or bringing things together. Its Latin root comes from "completus," meaning "full, finished."

B) "Control" does not have a Latin root directly related to "conducere." The word "control" comes from the Latin "contrahere," meaning "to draw together."

C) "Convince" does not have a direct connection to "conducere" in Latin. It has its origin in the Latin word "vincere," meaning "to conquer, prevail."

D) "Conduct" is the most likely word derived from "conducere" because it directly translates to "to lead or bring together" in English. The word "conduct" comes from the Latin "conducere."

Based on this analysis, option (D) "conduct" is the correct answer as it aligns with the meaning of "conducere" in Latin.