#1. The Iliad is a work that describes events related to the

A) founding of Minoan culture
B) early battles of the Persian Wars.
C) attack on the Dorians on Mycenae
D) Mycencean attack on the coastal of Troy

#2. Which one of the following is NOT true ancient Greek life?
A) Each polis had its own language and religion
B) Each polis had its owb government, coinage, and military
C) The coty-states of Greece were fierce rivals
D) The city-states of Greece united against the Persians

#3. The Greeks are distinct from other ancient civilizations in thier
A) love of wisdom
B) desire for immortality
C) laws against social injustice
D) emphasis on stories about the gods

#4. That the Iliad was improvised orally and not written down is shown by
A) the many lapses in plot structure
B) Homer;s blindness
C) Homer's use of repated metric formulae
D) the lack of visual realism

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#3. The Greeks are distinct from other ancient civilizations in their?

D) emphasis on stories about the gods

To find the answer to these multiple-choice questions, we can analyze the given options and eliminate the ones that do not align with the known facts. Let's break down each question to determine the correct answers.

#1. The Iliad is a work that describes events related to the:
The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem traditionally attributed to Homer and is widely believed to depict the events of the Mycenaean attack on the coastal city of Troy. Therefore, the correct answer is option D) Mycenaean attack on the coastal of Troy.

#2. Which one of the following is NOT true about ancient Greek life?
Here, we need to identify the statement that does not align with the known facts about ancient Greek life.
A) Each polis had its own language and religion: This is true.
B) Each polis had its own government, coinage, and military: This is true.
C) The city-states of Greece were fierce rivals: This is true.
D) The city-states of Greece united against the Persians: This is not true. The city-states of Greece were often in conflict with each other but temporarily united to fight against the Persians during the Persian Wars. Therefore, the correct answer is option D) The city-states of Greece united against the Persians.

#3. The Greeks are distinct from other ancient civilizations in their:
In this question, we need to identify the aspect that sets the Greeks apart from other ancient civilizations.
A) Love of wisdom: While the Greeks did have a strong focus on philosophy and intellectual pursuits, it does not make them distinct from other ancient civilizations.
B) Desire for immortality: This was a concept present in many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks.
C) Laws against social injustice: Other ancient civilizations also had systems of laws and regulations.
D) Emphasis on stories about the gods: This is a unique aspect of Greek culture. The Greeks placed a significant emphasis on mythological stories and their gods. Therefore, the correct answer is option D) Emphasis on stories about the gods.

#4. That the Iliad was improvised orally and not written down is shown by:
Here, we need to identify the evidence that supports the idea that the Iliad was improvised orally.
A) The many lapses in plot structure: Though there may be some variations or inconsistencies in the plot, it does not necessarily prove oral improvisation.
B) Homer's blindness: While Homer was traditionally depicted as blind, it does not directly indicate oral improvisation.
C) Homer's use of repeated metric formulae: This is a characteristic of oral tradition, where certain phrases and descriptions are used repeatedly.
D) The lack of visual realism: While the Iliad may not prioritize visual realism, it does not directly imply oral improvisation.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C) Homer's use of repeated metric formulae.

By analyzing the options and reasoning through each question, we have identified the correct answers for all four questions.