Find the missing numbers and landmarks for the set of numbers:

48, 50, 51, 51, 57, 59, 60, 63, 69, ______ , 76, ______ .

A Range: _____
B. Mode: __76__
C. Minimum: __48__
D. Maximum __76__

Help - we don’t understand this, or see a pattern.

Range = Maximum - Minimum
Mode is the most recurring value. I guess we can conclude that the data are ordered in ascending order, so the last value is the maximum. Since we don't have a double mode and there are already two 51's, what is the other value if 76 is the mode?

So the only pattern is that the numbers go up from the smallest to the largest, and that the 2 blanks are going to be 76 on either side of the existing 76 ?
I wish the teachers would send home the parent page so we could figure out this 5th grade math. LOL
Thank you.

Yes, at least that't what I concluded about the numbers. This is descriptive statistics, so it might be new material to you.
You're welcome.

range = 28
missing numbers = 76, 76

Thank you we also have a 5th grader and couldn't figure this out either. It was the exact same questions you had. Thanks for your help!!!!

what is defintion for median

turno 0.75 into a fraction


You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you and your 5th grader with the math question. Descriptive statistics can sometimes be tricky, but with a little guidance, it becomes easier to understand. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

dam confusing