I am not sure about this question I tried a) but am very confused with b.

Experiments were preformed with four metals and solutions of their ions: A-
A+, B-B2+, C-C2+, D-D2+. The results of the experiment were:

D2+ + C --> No reaction

B2+ + C --> B + C2+

A+ + B --> A + B2+

a)Write the equation for each reduction half reaction.

D2+ + 2e- --> D

C2+ + 2e- --> C

B2+ + 2e- --> B

A+ + 1e- --> A

b)Arrange them in a relative potential table with the easiest to reduce at the top and the hardest to reduce at the bottom.

A+ + 1e- --> A

To arrange the reduction half-reactions in a relative potential table, you need to compare and rank them based on their standard reduction potentials. The reduction potential is a measure of how easily a species is reduced (i.e., gains electrons) compared to a standard hydrogen electrode.

Unfortunately, the provided information does not include the standard reduction potentials for the species involved in the reactions. Therefore, without this information, it is not possible to accurately determine and arrange the reduction potentials of the half-reactions.

The standard reduction potentials can sometimes be found in reference tables or textbooks. Once you have the standard reduction potentials, you can arrange the half-reactions in the relative potential order by ranking them from highest to lowest reduction potential. The species with the highest reduction potential will be at the top, while the one with the lowest reduction potential will be at the bottom.

Please note that without the standard reduction potentials, it is not possible to answer part b of your question accurately.