Hello, class. We are going to do an activity. I want you to interview two of your new friends. You can go to any students who you do not know well in this class. Thre are two memos on the page of the textbook. You should fill in the blanks with the information about the two new friends. Later, some of you should come to the front and intreduce their new friends. You should come to the front in pairs. The student who introduces his or her partner will get one or some points for his or her activity. Are you ready? Let's go. You should not go to the students whom you like well. Find the students whom you do not know well and talk with them.... Good job. Pleasse be seated. I want some of you to come up here and introduce your partners. Are there any volunteers? You come here. Who is your partner. Come with your partner. ...Well done. What are your name and number? Go back to your seat.

(Would you like to check the game and correct errors? Thank you.)

Hello, class. We are going to do an activity. I want you to interview two of your new friends. You can go to any students whom you do not know well in this class. There are two memos on the page of the textbook. You should fill in the blanks with the information about your two new friends. Later, some of you should come to the front and introduce your new friends. Come to the front in pairs. The student who introduces his or her partner will get points for his or her activity. Are you ready? Let's go. You should not go to the students whom you like well. Find the students whom you do not know well and talk with them.... Good job. Please be seated. I want some of you to come up here and introduce your partners. Are there any volunteers? You come here. Who is your partner? Come with your partner. ...Well done. What are your name and number? Go back to your seat.

Sure! Let's review the instructions and make any necessary corrections:

Hello, class. We are going to do an activity. I want you to interview two of your new friends. You can approach any students in the class whom you do not know well. There are two memos on the page of the textbook. You should fill in the blanks with information about the two new friends you interviewed. Later, some of you will have the opportunity to come to the front and introduce your new friends. You should come to the front in pairs. The student who introduces their partner will receive one or several points for their activity. Are you ready? Let's begin. Remember, try to approach students you do not know well. Once you have interviewed your new friends, please be seated. Now, I am looking for volunteers to come up here and introduce their partners. Who would like to go first? Please come up here with your partner. Excellent job! Can I have your name and number, please? Thank you for participating. You may now return to your seat.

I hope this helps clarify the instructions for the activity. Let me know if you have any other questions!