Strong winds called the prevailing westerlies blow from west to east in a belt from 40 degree to 60 degree latitude in both Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

1.Write an inequality to represent the latitudes where the prevailing westerlies are not located.

Could someone explain the question and how to solve this to me? Thanks

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Sure! The question is asking you to write an inequality to represent the latitudes where the prevailing westerlies are not located.

To solve this, we know that the prevailing westerlies blow from 40 degrees to 60 degrees latitude in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Therefore, we need to find the latitudes that are outside of this range.

To express this mathematically, we can use an inequality. The symbol < represents "less than" and the symbol > represents "greater than". So, we want to find the latitudes that are either less than 40 degrees or greater than 60 degrees.

To write this inequality, we can use the logical operator "or" (represented as ∨). Therefore, the inequality will be:

Latitude < 40 ∨ Latitude > 60

This inequality represents the latitudes where the prevailing westerlies are not located.

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