Express each statement using an inequality involving absolute value.Do not solve.

1.The majority of grades in Sean's English class are within 4 points of 85.

2.AA thermometer is guaranteed to give a temperature no more than 1.2F from the actual temperature. If the thermometer reads 28F, what is the range for the actual temperature?

How would I solve these questions? Thanks

Is the first one |g-85|</= 4 and the second one is |28 - t| <= 1.2?

you are correct with both of your answers. congrats!!!

To express statement 1 using an inequality involving absolute value, you are correct that it is |g - 85| ≤ 4. This inequality states that the absolute value of the difference between any grade (represented by g) and 85 is less than or equal to 4.

To solve statement 2, you have the correct inequality as well: |28 - t| ≤ 1.2. This inequality states that the absolute value of the difference between the temperature (represented by t) and 28 is less than or equal to 1.2.

However, please note that these inequalities have not been solved, as you correctly mentioned. They merely represent the given situations using absolute value. To solve these inequalities, you would need specific values for g in statement 1 and t in statement 2.