A student performed the synthesis of aspirin using a water bath at 90C instead of 50C. The final product was tested for the presence of phenols with ferric chloride. This test was negative (no color observed); however, the melting point of the dry product was 122-125 C. Explain these results as completely as possible.

I have no clue to answer this ques...can someone help me...

Sure! Let's break down the given information and explain the results step by step.

First, the student performed the synthesis of aspirin using a water bath at 90°C instead of the recommended temperature of 50°C. It is important to note that the synthesis of aspirin typically requires a controlled temperature to ensure optimal conditions for the chemical reactions. Temperature variations can potentially affect the outcome of the reaction.

Next, the student tested the final product for the presence of phenols using ferric chloride. Phenols are compounds that contain a hydroxyl group attached to a benzene ring. Ferric chloride is commonly used as a reagent to detect the presence of phenols, as it forms a colored complex with phenolic compounds. In this case, the test was negative, meaning no color change or observable reaction occurred.

Finally, the student determined the melting point of the dry product, which was measured to be 122-125°C. The melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes from a solid to a liquid state. It is used to characterize and identify organic compounds, as each compound has a specific melting point range.

Now, let's analyze these results:

1. The synthesis at a higher temperature (90°C) may have affected the reaction kinetics and/or product formation. Aspirin synthesis involves the reaction between salicylic acid (a phenol) and acetic anhydride, which produces aspirin and acetic acid. The higher temperature could have led to side reactions, decreased yield, or altered the reaction pathways, resulting in a different product or impurities.

2. The negative result in the ferric chloride test indicates the absence of phenolic compounds in the final product. Since aspirin is synthesized from salicylic acid, which is a phenol, it should have shown a positive result. The absence of color change suggests that either the synthesis did not occur successfully or the phenol group in salicylic acid was somehow transformed or eliminated during the reaction process.

3. The observed melting point of 122-125°C falls within the typical range for pure aspirin. This indicates that the synthesized product has a similar melting point to standard aspirin, which is around 135-136°C. The relatively close melting point suggests that the major component of the product is aspirin, despite the negative ferric chloride test.

In summary, the results suggest that the student's synthesis of aspirin at a higher temperature may have altered the reaction and affected the presence of phenolic compounds. It is likely that the reaction did not occur optimally, resulting in a negative ferric chloride test. However, the close melting point range indicates the presence of aspirin in the product, but it may contain impurities or by-products. Further analysis and characterization would be required to fully understand the nature of the synthesized product.