Hitler translated his hatred into a program of genocide. How do ethnic, racial, and religious hatreds weaken society?

is the answer because people believe race can create conflicts towards different gropus of race

Ethnic, racial and religious hatreds cause rifts in the unity of a society. The people are too engrossed in hating other countrymen that the fabric of the society is torn asunder.

Only a cohesive society is strong and viable.

Ethnic, racial, and religious hatreds can weaken society for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that these forms of hatred often create division and conflict among different groups of people. When people believe that their race, ethnicity, or religion makes them superior to others or gives them the right to discriminate against others, it can lead to tension, hostility, and even violence.

This kind of hatred erodes trust and unity within society, as it creates an "us versus them" mentality. Instead of working together towards common goals, different groups may view each other with suspicion and animosity. This can hinder social cooperation, economic progress, and political stability.

Furthermore, ethnic, racial, and religious hatreds can lead to discrimination and marginalization of certain groups. Individuals who are targeted because of their ethnicity, race, or religion may face limited opportunities, unequal treatment, and even violence. This not only harms the individuals directly affected but also perpetuates inequality and injustice within society as a whole.

In addition, this form of hatred can hinder social progress and innovation. When society is divided along ethnic, racial, or religious lines, it becomes more challenging to foster diversity and inclusion. This restricts the exchange of ideas and perspectives, limiting the potential for innovation, creativity, and social development.

Ultimately, ethnic, racial, and religious hatreds weaken society by undermining social cohesion, hindering progress, fostering discrimination, and perpetuating inequality. It is important for individuals and communities to actively confront and challenge these prejudices in order to promote a more inclusive and harmonious society.