man:woman:: curved :

What are your choices?

Since "man" and "woman" are antonyms, I assume the answer could be:

man:woman: : curved:straight

To find the analogy that completes the phrase "curved : ?" we need to identify the relationship between "man" and "woman." In this analogy, the relationship is one of gender. "Man" and "woman" are two different genders.

Now, let's think about the word "curved." What is a word that has a similar relationship to "curved" as "man" has to "woman"? When we think about the concept of curves, one word that comes to mind is "straight." "Curved" and "straight" are opposites in terms of shape or form. Therefore, the answer to the analogy is "straight."

Hence, the analogy "curved : straight" completes the given phrase, just as "man" and "woman" are different genders.