Write one numerical expression and one algebraic expression. Then explain what the differnce between a numerical and algebraic expression is.

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Numerical expression: 5 + 7

Algebraic expression: 3x - 2

A numerical expression is a mathematical expression that consists of only numbers and mathematical operators, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and exponentiation (^). In the example above, "5 + 7" is a numerical expression as it involves only numbers and the addition operator.

On the other hand, an algebraic expression includes variables, coefficients, and mathematical operations. Variables are represented by letters, such as x, y, or z, and they can take on different values. Coefficients are the numerical values multiplying the variables, if any. In the example above, "3x - 2" is an algebraic expression because it involves the variable x, coefficient 3, and the subtraction operation.

The key difference between numerical and algebraic expressions is that numerical expressions represent specific numerical calculations, while algebraic expressions represent general mathematical relationships. Numerical expressions provide the actual numerical value after carrying out the arithmetic operations, while algebraic expressions can be simplified, manipulated, or solved for specific values of the variables.