double my tens digit to get my ones digit. double me and i am less than 50

If the tens digit is 1, the units digit is 2. The number is then 12, less than 50.

There is another tens digit that fit the bill, and will result in another number that when doubled, is still less than 50.

Can you find the other digit, and the associated number?


To find the number that satisfies these conditions, let's break it down step by step.

Starting with "double my tens digit to get my ones digit," we can represent the number as AB, where A is the tens digit and B is the ones digit. According to the condition, 2A = B.

Next, we have "double me and I am less than 50." If we double the number AB, we get 2AB, which must be less than 50. Since A represents the tens digit, it can only be a digit from 0 to 4.

Now, let's try different values for A and calculate the corresponding B to see which value satisfies the condition.

For A = 0, 2A = 0, and this doesn't satisfy the condition.

For A = 1, 2A = 2, B must be equal to 2, but 12 is not less than 50.

For A = 2, 2A = 4, B must be equal to 4. So, if A = 2 and B = 4, the number is 24.

For A = 3, 2A = 6, B must be equal to 6, but 36 is not less than 50.

For A = 4, 2A = 8, B must be equal to 8, but 48 is not less than 50.

Therefore, the number that satisfies both conditions is 24.