Select an investment plan for a family with a child that is x years old and has y dollars to invest. How can I make this into two different equations to be graphed?

To create two different equations that can be graphed to select an investment plan for a family with a child of age x and y dollars to invest, we need to consider certain variables and factors involved. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Identify key factors: The age of the child (x) and the amount of money to invest (y) are given in the problem. These will be the variables in our equations.

2. Determine the investment plans: Let's say there are two investment plans to consider:
a. Plan A: This plan yields a fixed interest rate of rA percent.
b. Plan B: This plan yields a fixed interest rate of rB percent.

3. Write the equations:
a. Equation for Plan A: The value of the investment after x years in Plan A can be calculated using the formula: A = y * (1 + rA/100)^x, where A represents the final value of the investment.
b. Equation for Plan B: The value of the investment after x years in Plan B can be calculated using the formula: B = y * (1 + rB/100)^x, where B represents the final value of the investment.

4. Graph the equations: With the two equations obtained in step 3, we can create a graph to visualize the investment growth of both plans over time. The x-axis will represent the age of the child (x), and the y-axis will represent the final value of the investment (A and B).

By substituting different values for the variables (x, y, rA, rB), you can plot points on the graph for each plan, showing how the investments would grow over time.

Note: The specific values of rA and rB will typically depend on the chosen investment plan and market conditions, so you might need to refer to the plan details or consult with a financial advisor to determine those values.