Why did the us need a protective tariff


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The United States implemented protective tariffs for several reasons. A protective tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods to make them more expensive than domestically produced goods, thereby protecting domestic industries. The primary reasons for the US to impose protective tariffs include:

1. Economic protection: Protective tariffs were aimed at protecting domestic industries from competition with cheaper foreign goods. By making imported goods more expensive, domestic producers could better compete and maintain or expand their market share.

2. Job creation: By protecting domestic industries, protective tariffs aimed to support local employment opportunities. By ensuring that domestic goods were competitive, the tariffs aimed to preserve jobs in industries that would otherwise face significant competition from cheaper imports.

3. Promoting industrialization: Protective tariffs were seen as a means to encourage the growth of new industries within the country. By shielding domestic industries from foreign competition, tariffs were intended to foster the development of industries that would stimulate economic growth and self-sufficiency.

4. National security: Some argue that protective tariffs were necessary for national security reasons. By protecting vital industries like steel or defense-related production, the US aimed to ensure a reliable supply of essential goods during times of conflict or international instability.

When further researching the topic, it is recommended to consult academic articles, historical sources, and economic analyses to gain multiple perspectives and a comprehensive understanding of the reasons behind the US implementing protective tariffs.