What are the number in the magic square of 4 by 4 if the magic number is 38?


Do the 4x4 for 34, then add one to each square.

To find the numbers in a magic square of 4 by 4 with a magic number of 38, we can start with the middle number and work our way outwards. Here is a step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Start with the number in the middle of the grid, which is (4+1)/2 = 2.5. Since we're dealing with a 4 by 4 grid, we round it down to 2.

Step 2: Place the number 1 in the cell diagonally up and to the right of the middle cell.

Step 3: Continue placing the numbers in the following pattern:

- Move up and to the right if possible.
- If moving up and to the right is not possible, wrap around to the opposite side of the grid. For example, if you reach the top right cell and need to move further up and to the right, wrap around to the bottom left cell.

Here is the complete sequence of numbers for a magic square with a magic number of 38:

12 1| 6 19|
7 14| 17 30|
21 8| 5 28|
25 22| 31 18|

Note that the numbers are arranged in such a way that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is equal to the magic number of 38.