Give a verbal, visual, numerical, and graphic representation for the idea one and


Verbal: one and one-sixth

Visual: two circles with one shaded and 1/6 of the other shaded
Numerical: 1 1/6
Graphic: ?

To represent the idea of one and one-sixth, we can use various representations:

1. Verbal Representation: One and one-sixth can be written or stated as "one whole plus one-sixth."

2. Visual Representation: You can use a visual representation by drawing a rectangle to represent one whole and dividing it into six equal parts. Then, shade one of those parts to represent one-sixth. Finally, write the number "1" outside the rectangle and write "1/6" inside the shaded part.

3. Numerical Representation: One and one-sixth can be represented numerically as a mixed number: 1 1/6. The whole number part (1) represents one whole, while the fractional part (1/6) represents one-sixth.

4. Graphic Representation: A graphic representation can be displayed using a number line. Draw a line and label it with the numbers from zero to two (or further if necessary). Then, mark the point at 1 and one-sixth (1 1/6) on the line.

These representations help convey the concept of one and one-sixth in different ways, catering to verbal, visual, numerical, and graphic learners.